90025-Service File.jpg

Ernie Ellis collection

Images of Christchurch and South Island towns taken by Ernie Ellis in the 1950s, visiting from Australia. The images include a National Safety Week parade, marching teams, Christchurch Mail Exchange, gardens entered in a Christchurch garden competition, and general views. Some Australian photographs are included.
Count of items in this collection
Ernie Ellis collection
Digital images supplied by donor; scanned from 35 mm film.
Linked Agent
Photographer (pht): Ernie Ellis
Donor (dnr): Ruth Cashin
Member of
93 digital images.
Resource Type

In copyright CCL

Licence Text
This item is in copyright; permission for reuse can be supplied by Christchurch City Libraries.
Re-use Text
Under the Copyright Act 1994 works cannot be copied, shared or reused other than for the purpose of fair dealing. The Copyright Act 1994 allows fair dealing with a work for the purposes of research or private study (e.g. school projects or private family research).

It is the responsibility of the user to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.


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