Cover Image Image Spreydon Library Description Explore some of the highlights from our collection featuring people and places, in and around Spreydon Library. Share this item Share by Facebook Share by Twitter Share by Pinterest Share by Email Share as Carousel <iframe frameborder="0" allowfullscreen width="960" height="720" src=""></iframe> Paste the markup above into your web page to embed this set as a carousel, or use this oEmbed link. Share as Slideshow <iframe frameborder="0" allowfullscreen width="960" height="720" src=""></iframe> Paste the markup above into your web page to embed this set as a slideshow, or use this oEmbed link. 32092 Spreydon Public Library, 1940s 48922 Aerial photomosaic of Spreydon 2896 Spreydon Library 63230 Spreydon Fire Station 2065 Vogue Theatre, Spreydon 25802 Runaway steer in a Spreydon park 8161 Meadowville Avenue, Spreydon substation 63987 Lyttelton Street Dairy, Spreydon 2064 Staff of the Vogue Theatre, Spreydon 53288 Looking across Beckenham and Spreydon from the Sanatorium 8647 St Nicholas Anglican Church, Spreydon 2861 Work on the new Spreydon bowling green 2613 Barrington Shopping Mall, Spreydon 35362 Hand holding record attempt 8138 Low tension undergrounding on Evesham Crescent, Spreydon 39710 Students at Spreydon School 10601 George Manning Home, Spreydon 97498 Physical distancing walk at Spreydon Domain 10082 Jenny Dillard outside Spreydon Fire Station 3295 Sausage sizzle outside Spreydon Post Office 11935 Simeon Street fire station 52524 The Silvan 3782 Milton Street vet clinic mural 14478 Albert Grundy and family outside their shop 6003 On the Spot, Lincoln road 48983 Aerial photomosaic of Barrington 46878 Wilsons Barrington Pharmacy 15242 Aerial view of Barrington Mall 86172 Flooding on Barrington St 64262 Lane to Barrington Park 65618 78 and 80 Barrington Street 82555 Mr Apple at Barrington Mall 97484 Chalk message on Barrington Street 97487 Fence chalk drawings, Barrington Street 95196 Circus tent 60945 Daisy Smith, bottle store 27254 Construction of Spreydon Library 90081 Addington Raceway grandstand 2253 Cashmere High School's fund-raising Super Car-Wash 7238 Colombo Street, Sydenham 97488 Easter chalk drawings, Barrington Street 29256 Hophea Home School on Barrington Street 97473 COVID-19 signage on Barrington Street 34044 Protest at Pioneer Stadium 408 Robert Muldoon with Springbok rugby tour protesters 2813 Book sale at Pioneer Stadium 836 National Hotrod Show at Pioneer Stadium, Somerfield 101004 Elephants in Addington 39940 Project Legit mural - Selwyn Street 14998 Everybody's Butchery on Selwyn Street 15436 View over Addington 60094 St Mary the Virgin, Addington 4041 Addington Prison building 2234 Addington Prison during a riot 1918 Highbank Church, Hoon Hay 24701 Hoon Hay Presbyterian church 97725 State house in Hoon Hay 97719 Manning Intermediate School, Hoon Hay 1631 Somerfield Primary School 64597 Spreydon Bowling Club car park 66582 Haymaking at 158 Hoon Hay Road 86150 Queen Elizabeth II and NZ Prime Minister 3015 St Martins Church, Lincoln Road, Spreydon 14491 Three friends at Addington races Previous Next Pause Play Last updated Tue, 28/01/2025 - 14:47