Cover Image Image Te Hāpua Halswell Centre Description Explore some of the highlights from our collection featuring people and places, in and around Te Hāpua Halswell Centre. Share this item Share by Facebook Share by Twitter Share by Pinterest Share by Email Share as Carousel <iframe frameborder="0" allowfullscreen width="960" height="720" src=""></iframe> Paste the markup above into your web page to embed this set as a carousel, or use this oEmbed link. Share as Slideshow <iframe frameborder="0" allowfullscreen width="960" height="720" src=""></iframe> Paste the markup above into your web page to embed this set as a slideshow, or use this oEmbed link. 45839 Te Hāpua Halswell Summer Pool 2232 The 108th Halswell Brownie Pack with a phone box 5604 Halswell Seafood Centre 49008 Aerial photomosaic of Halswell 55956 Halswell Quarry Park 8531 Halswell Garden Club awards day 55890 Halswell Quarry Park 953 Redgrave Street, Halswell 55960 Halswell Quarry Park 8943 Halswell quarry 58735 Halswell Library on Sparks Road 1425 Caravan damaged by tornado, Halswell 55915 Halswell Quarry Park 5588 Construction of the new library on Halswell Road 87553 Kazakh performers with seven elements display 8510 Scouts play on tree stump before the Anzac Parade 45888 Halswell war memorial 8480 Former Halswell Shopping Centre, Halswell Road 55889 Halswell Quarry Park 51546 Halswell Pottery Group Christmas Sale 8968 Halswell quarry 6062 Halswell Convenience Store 55941 Halswell Quarry Park 58733 Halswell Food Bar 8448 Construction of the new library on Halswell Road 97242 Harakeke at Halswell Quarry 24684 Toetoe on Halswell Road 58738 Halswell Hammer Hardware 55895 Halswell Quarry Park 3116 Halswell Methodist Church 58720 Halswell Playcentre 51545 Halswell Pottery Group Spring Sale 5451 Halswell Indoor Bowls Club 8552 Giant board games at Halswell Market 15257 Aerial view of Halswell 84945 Bathi Gee by Samadhi Vihara Devotees 8948 Halswell quarry plant 5459 Stalls and visitors at Halswell Market 45810 Halswell Quarry Manager's House 1421 Damage caused by Halswell tornado 89979 Halswell Quarry Dog Park 55849 Anzac parade in Halswell 12826 Firefighting training in Halswell 24675 St John of God Halswell church 8574 Halswell Primary School Winter Carnival and opening day 97252 Halswell Quarry 30654 Sporting trial in Halswell for Pioneer Motorcycle Club 6010 Halswell Quarry - fighting the Port Hills fire 5601 Unichem Stantons Pharmacy 55885 Old house from Halswell Quarry 96456 Sizdah Bedar (سیزدهبدر) picnic 9835 Walnut farmer 8564 Basketball on the playground at Oaklands Primary School 84943 Lord Buddha at Vesak Bathi Gee Pooja 70384 North facade of St Mary's Anglican Church 7621 Halswell Memorial Gates under construction by W. Winsor, builder, of Spreydon, 1923 35564 Fire fighters at timber mill fire 5510 Start of Kennedys Bush track 5619 Playing basketball on the courts in Westmorland 55928 Jangseung 38975 Wolf in the queue 50212 Toilets and quarry building 5441 Chinese Takeaways, Halswell Fish and Chips, Lillian Street 8570 Halswell Primary School Winter Carnival and opening day 474 Story time at Halswell Library 45811 Memorial bridge (메모리얼 브릿지) 8491 Children outside Halswell South West Baptist Church 32135 National go-kart championships in Halswell 45805 Jangseung (장승) 45869 Halswell rugby league clubrooms 8543 Frog mail box outside a house in Halswell Previous Next Pause Play Last updated Tue, 28/01/2025 - 14:48